Leadership and the One Minute Manager by Kenneth Blanchard, Patricia Zigarmi, Drea Zigarmi
Leadership and the One Minute Manager teaches leaders the world renowned method of developing self-reliance in those they manage: Situational Leadership.
From Leadership and the One Minute Manager you’ll learn why tailoring management styles to individual employees is so important; why knowing when to delegate, support, or direct is critical; and how to identify the leadership style suited to a particular person.
By consistently using Situational Leadership its proven model and powerful techniques, leaders can develop and retain competent, committed employees. This remarkable, easy-to-follow book is a priceless guide to personalized leadership that elicits the best performance from your staff—and the best bottom line for any business.
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is recognised as one of the most influential books ever written. In this seminal work, Stephen R. Covey presents a holistic, integrated, principle-centred approach for solving personal and professional problems. With penetrating insights and pointed anecdotes, Covey reveals a step-by-step pathway for living with fairness, integrity, honesty and human dignity — principles that give us the security to adapt to change, and the wisdom and power to take advantage of the opportunities that change creates. The 7 Habits have become so famous because they work. From Habit 1: Be Proactive and Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind, millions of people have worked their way through the 7 and found in them a key to transforming their lives. It has been the key to the success of legions of business leaders and individuals the world over.
Develop Your Leadership Skills: 18 Skills That Make A Great Leader by Firas Samri
Leadership skills development is a crucial way but with a good reference, you can be able to achieve your goals of being an effective leader. It’s inevitable to improve your skills since the business needs it in order for you to manage your organization well. Learn how to accept challenges and continue to educate and improve yourself by having self-discipline, embracing failures, knowing how to delegate, setting definite goals and a lot more. Know how to handle your team and make them feel that they are well guided. A good leader also knows the importance of encouraging others and how passion changes one’s perspective. Also, discussed on the chapters are the ways on how to take initiatives and obtain the willingness to admit and learn from failures as well as your weaknesses.
How to Grow Leaders: The Seven Key Principles of Effective Leadership Development by John Adair
How to Grow Leaders is a ground-breaking book which sets the record straight on leadership development, the nature of leadership and how it can be taught. John Adair identifies the seven key principles of leadership development, and answers vital questions on how to select, train and educate leaders at team, operational and strategic leadership levels. In doing so he discusses topics such as the manager as leader, how people become leaders, how to manage leadership training, learning to be a strategic leader and training team leaders. Effective leadership is a crucial factor in business success. How to Grow Leaders will help you to develop these skills in others, whilst guiding you on your own personal journey towards excellence as a leader.